A game engine is a software system designed for the creation and development of computer and video games. There are many game engines that are designed to work on video game consoles and desktop operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows. The core functionality typically provided by a game engine includes a rendering engine (“renderer”) for 2D or 3D graphics, a physics engine or collision detection (and collision response), sound, scripting, animation, artificial intelligence, networking, streaming, memory management, threading, and a scene graph. The process of game development is frequently economized by in large part reusing the same game engine to create different games.
Game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components. These tools are generally provided in an integrated development environment to enable simplified, rapid development of games in a data-driven manner. These games engines are sometimes called "game middleware" because, as with the business sense of the term, they provide a flexible and reusable software platform which provides all the core functionality needed, right out of the box, to develop a game application while reducing costs, complexities, and time-to-market—all critical factors in the highly competitive video game industry.
Like other middleware solutions, game engines usually provide platform abstraction, allowing the same game to be run on various platforms including game consoles and personal computers with few, if any, changes made to the game source code. Often, game middleware is designed with a component-based architecture that allows specific systems in the engine to be replaced or extended with more specialized (and often more expensive) middleware components such as Havok for physics or FMOD for sound. Some game engines such as RenderWare are even designed as a series of loosely connected middleware components that can be selectively combined to create a custom engine, instead of the more common approach of extending or customizing a flexible integrated solution. However extensibility is achieved, it remains a high priority in games engines due to the wide variety of uses for which they are applied. Despite the specificity of the name, game engines are often used for other kinds of interactive applications with real-time graphical requirements such as marketing demos, architectural visualizations, training simulations, and modeling environments.
Some game engines only provide real-time 3D rendering capabilities instead of the wide range of functionality required by games. These engines rely upon the game developer to implement the rest of this functionality or assemble it from other game middleware components. These types of engines are generally referred to as a "graphics engine," "rendering engine," or "3D engine" instead of the more encompassing term "game engine." However, this terminology is inconsistently used as many full-featured 3D game engines are referred to simply as "3D engines." A few examples of graphics engines are: RealmForge, OGRE, Power Render, Crystal Space, Genesis3D, Irrlicht and JMonkey Engine. Modern game or graphics engines generally provide a scene graph, which is an object-oriented representation of the 3D game world which often simplifies game design and can be used for more efficient rendering of vast virtual worlds.
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استخدام وحدات البندقيه الهجوميه والتكنولوجيا واختيار الاسلحة نصيحه ان احتمالات البقاء على قيد الحياة لصالحك. ترقية ترسانة الخاص بك وشراء الطاقة الناشئه عن السوق السوداء.
اللعبة للعب والمرح ويتطلب التفكير السريع وكذلك الاستراتيجيه. اذا ذهبت للتو في محاولة تفجير كل شيء حتى ، حتى يمكنك استخدام كل الكلمات التي وذخائر النتيجة جلسة بطة.
ما يمكن ان يكون اكثر من نسف cathartic الاتهامات في جيش من النفاق والشجيرات نبح الكلاب تشيني الهجوم ، في حين ان التأرجح السياسي الى موسيقى الراب المعادن؟
مجموعة من الارهابيين بيتك وسلب الاموال التي تتخذ yromp الاجنبى التى تنتشر عن طريق مدينة لوس انجلوس. ديوك nukem العودة من اجازة قليلا لانقاذ مدينة الملائكة وتدمير الاجانب في ان تؤدي هذه التعبئه - تكملة!
العمل اساسا العاب القتال التي تشمل السمات الماديه الانفجارات ، واطلاق النار ، حاملات الطائرات ، الغواصات ، والصواريخ النووية ، والجواسيس ، الساتليه الاسلحة والتكنولوجيات المتقدمه ذات الصلة.
تسلق صفوف للجنيه godmothers في هذه العملية فريدة ، سهلة لتشغيل اللعبة عرض cheeky جديدة تأخذ على قصة الحواري المفضلة. انشاء متجر في قرى مختلفة في جميع انحاء الارض.